3 posts categorized "music"

January 07, 2010

Resolve to Improve Your Relationship!

Design Expert: Kenneth Brown

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Believing that well-planned, beautiful spaces nourish and support us, Interior Designer Kenneth Brown shows us how you can use good design to your advantage in the New Year.

Visit HomeWorkshop.com for Kenneth's video on how to Improve Your Relationship.  You can also see how to win today's prize!

Here's today's bonus:  Download Kenneth Brown's Ten Tips on how to Improve Your Relationship!

(Acrobat Reader is required to view this PDF document.  You can download this free program here.) 

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Thanks for joining us today, and remember to check out the other great ideas and experts we have lined up for ten!  Tomorrow, Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Ramona Braganza, will reveal the secrets she's shared with stars like Halle Berry and Jessica Alba about Exercising More in the New Year!

January 01, 2010

New Year's Resolutions and Their Design Solutions in 2010

Need a little help with your resolutions? 

What does Jamie Drake have to say about having fun?  What has Judith Miller learned about the past through antiques?  What does Halle Berry's trainer, Ramona Braganza, think about fitness?  What can Kenneth Brown do to help improve your relationship? 

These are just a few of our design experts.  Check out www.tendesigndays.com for the roster of experts ready to help you plan the new year!

Have you seen www.tendesigndays.com for the list of all of our experts and resolutions? 


New Years Resolution


The countdown of great New Year Resolutions starts Monday, January 4th!

December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolution Countdown

Ten Icon

Ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...three...two...one...Happy New Year 2010!